Sunday 30 April 2017

Hey guys!

Travel as a career?
However cool and fantastic that may sound; it is not an easy job. Everyone dreams to travel the world and explore every corner, right? And some get that opportunity and experience it. There are many individuals make travel a part of their life, a part of their soul. As they say,

Travel is the only thing you buy, that makes you richer.

And to share such experiences and talk about all the stories makes it even more special. There are few amazing people who do exactly that and stun the viewers with their stories. The people whom we are mentioning have their own YouTube channels and they tell us their stories through them. To mention a few, there is FunForLouis, Vagabrothers, Mr Ben Brown, Hey Nadine, RayaWasHere, LostLeBlanc. 

Louis Cole, the man behind the channel FunForLouis is a British filmmaker, who loves to document his adventures. He has almost 2 million subscribers to share his content with. He uploads a video every single day. The story he captures with his lens is naturally his entire life since he is a passionate vlogger. He is often referred to as the godfather of daily vlogging. He is also an excellent photographer with 1.5 million followers in his Instagram account. He says traveling is more like an addiction and wants to help other people traveling with a purpose. His life is so fast paced that he is in a different country every other week. He travels most of the time with his girlfriend who is also a travel YouTuber, RayaWasHere.

The video below pretty much summarizes his life which seems so fulfilling and exciting that we are almost jealous of his lifestyle.

Doesn't it feel like the best job in the world? It makes us want to stop and wonder how little have we seen and explored. Given below is a video by LostLeBlanc which gives out a beautiful message.

Jobs fill your pocket,
adventures fill your soul.

This kind of dedication towards making such videos needs a lot of creativity and beautiful content for the creators. There were times when such videos were only seen in TV channels such as National Geographic etc. Today people like us have the access and opportunity to bring forward our own experiences and show them to the world. One such is this excellent video which was made by Mr Ben Brown.

So live your life chasing down your dream whatever it might be and make those dreams your memories. And as FunForLouis ends it,
Enjoy Life, Live the Adventure, Boom!

Post By: Arundhati and Mrittika
Videos: YouTube

Tuesday 4 April 2017


"There is always room for improvisation"
                                                  - Satyajit Ray 

Hey guys!

2nd May, 1921 witnessed the birth of a filmmaker who single-handedly revolutionized Indian Bengali cinema. Satyajit Ray, was regarded as the greatest filmmaker in the 20th century. He directed 36 films including films, documentaries and shorts. He was also a fiction writer. His first film Pather Panchali won 11 international awards. The government of India honored him with the Bharat Ratna, highest civilian award, in 1992. 


This post is primarily dedicated to one of his finest short films- ' Two '
Directed in 1964, it's a black and white short film, made a part of a trilogy of short films from India. It shows an encounter between two kids. One belonging to a rich aristocratic family and one living in a small hut, on the street. Its shot entirely from the upscale house of the rich kid. It's a silent film and the window in the kid's room plays the most important role in this encounter. Critics believe this film was made to promote an anti war statement, post the Vietnam war. 


The film uses a few basic symbols, to distinguish the characters of both the kids. It begins with the rich kid sipping Coca-Cola from a bottle, which was considered to be a beverage for the rich. On a lazy afternoon, he uses his toys and such items to entertain himself when he comes across a street kid, playing a flute from his window. Whereas the poor kid flies an old dusty kite. In order to compete with the poor kid and prove his power, the rich kid uses all kinds of high tech toys and instruments, to overpower the simple toys/instruments the street kid plays. He even uses a toy rifle to shoot down the kite the street kid tries to play with. But neither the expensive toys, nor the extremely powerful noise of his instruments, could in the end overpower the soothing and melodious tune of the flute. 



This films depicts a war, a battle in the minds of two children. One from a privileged background and the other from the streets, who has possibly suffered a lot of harshness in life. The rich kid tries to win over every time by materializing, but the most simplest of objects and mindsets prevail in the end. It shows not a lot of money or expensive objects, can give you happiness. It's the happiness in your soul and mind that lasts. Even using the most limited resources, the flute music encapsulates the silent aura of the film, which the rich kid's most precious toy noises couldn't. 

Was it an attempt to prove the caste divide that existed in the society, or that war is pointless and only peace prevails, we don't know. But this movie sure reaches that portion of the heart where it should. 

Below is an attachment to the YouTube link of the short film. Please watch. 

We personally recommend this video to everyone. Incredibly satisfying and a must watch. 
We will come back with a new post soon. 
We apologise for the long gap. Till then HAPPY BLOGGING! 

Images: Google images
Video: YouTube
Written by: Mrittika Gupta
                         Arundhati Dutta 

Friday 21 October 2016

Sex and the City

Hey guys!

“Maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates and guys are just people to have fun with.”
-   Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City.

Sex and the City will always win hearts in terms of fashion, sex and most importantly the bond of four independent women living in the New York City. Well female friendship is a very complicated thing. Sometimes such relationships grow apart due to certain differences. In Sex and the City the relationship between four friends was not always perfect either, but they always supported each other at the end of the day. As Carrie said,

“Friendships don’t magically last forty years, you have to invest in them”.

They say two’s a company, and three’s a crowd, but in Sex and the City four’s an amazing slumber party with cool glasses of Cosmopolitan. Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte are four women with very different personalities and choices.

Sex and the City dwell on dynamics of relationships, and they might not be picture perfect but still somehow seems to be. It teaches us that among all these relationships, the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.

Just like Samantha had said, there is no harm for us to admit the fact too that,
“I love you but I love me more”.

The character which we find the most endearing and strong is Samantha’s. Her bold, confident attitude towards life and the men she used to date made an impact in every woman’s heart. As she said “Always look like you know where you’re going, even if you don’t”, is a perfect example of her personality. Her fearlessness attitude and the way she fought cancer shows the kind of a woman she is. We admire such strong personalities and want to be like them!

This show also brought forward some bitter truths of life, which everyone has in them to some extent. Well one can say it is just self realisation, however harsh it might seem!

We recommend everyone to watch the show, not only is the fact that it is very well written, it also brings out the optimistic and sassy nature everyone has within them!
Till then,

Post by: Arundhati and Mrittika
Images:Google images

Thursday 18 August 2016

100 years of beauty!

Hey guys!

Every individual has a different definition of beauty. In general, beauty is a quality in a person or a thing that pleases the aesthetic senses. In the past years, beauty has evolved and transformed a lot. It is right to appreciate all kinds of beauty. There has been a variation in terms of beauty in a period of time. It depends on the social status, culture, diplomatic situation, location of a particular region. The gradual differences show the different eras a community has gone through.

We wanted to bring forward these variations some countries has come across. Therefore, this is a series of videos called “100 years of beauty”. This series has been made to cover many regions of the world on the basis the different stages of a woman's quality, taste, regulations over an era of 100 years. It is quite interesting to watch these videos, while showcasing the history and current situation of a country. These are such videos which portrays the customs, behaviour of society towards the women of the society in that community.

The video which is focused below is the journey of women over 100 years from Syria. It shows the gradual growing tension and where Syria stands today. We get to learn a lot from this video.

There are many other videos which you can check out. The video below is a very fun video to watch which portrays the women from India. These differences are very well shown in all the videos and proves that a lot of work has been done to create this kind of content.

The channel called WatchCut Video also has videos which shows the extensive research which had been done to create every look.

The videos above shows such a diversity in culture. The most watched video of this series is the version created to portray USA. The video is given below.

We hope you like what we shared and found it interesting and informative.You can also watch other such videos of countries like Russia, Germany which shows the impact of tension during world war. So, head over to their channel to watch similar videos.
Till then,


Post by: Arundhati and Mrittika
Videos by: YouTube 

Monday 8 August 2016

Hum chaddis badlenge, buddies nahi!

This post is dedicated to all our friends, because happy times or tough times, you all are special.
Hey guys! 
What is friendship? It is said, friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. 
We say, friendship is a relation that simply beats many blood relations! The same relation existing between all ages, gender, caste,  language, community, species etc; that is friendship. It does not come with terms and conditions. There is no range. And the best part, we get to choose our friends.

Let's go back to our school/college days! 
Those tiffin breaks, between the class gossip, major discussions about the opposite gender, shoulders to cry on, getting punished together, screaming our lungs out during events, and being there for each other. They are not just memories; they make us what we are today! Everytime our heart broke to see a friend cry, and everytime we were pleased to make a friend smile, that is what friendship is about. When we leave an institution, most of the times what hurts is leaving behind the people we have spent amazing times with. 
This post isn't about best friends or true friends or close friends. Every kind of friend plays a role in our lives. They make our stay a little more beautiful and worth it. It is one such attachment which makes even a term called romance (which has been overstated a lot) go weak at its knees! 

The following video is a "Back to School" initiative/campaign by Pepsi India. It was uploaded on YouTube in the year 2014 and has more than 2 million views. This video depicts the term friendship in a beautiful way. It's about 4 friends, on their last day of school, reliving all their school memories. They keep going back in time and laugh about all the amazing memories they created. Sharing their food to sharing their laughter, it has all. The background music goes like " School khatam ho raha hai, dosti nahi" which is so so true. And they promise nothing will change ever. 
Click below to watch the video: 
So today, in honour of friendship's day and in honour of all wonderful friends we have, we decided to write this post. It's okay if the time is tough and complications are too many, we love our friends and we always will. No matter where you met them, in what way they created a difference, they are special. So go and thank your friends for being there in your lives. DO IT! They deserve it. :) 
Till then Happy Blogging :D 

Post by: Mrittika and Arundhati
Image: Google images 
Video: YouTube 

Friday 5 August 2016

Carly Fleischmann: She inspires us all!

Hey guys!

The Internet and social media have taken over our lives in a huge manner. There are so many forms through which one can share their content with the world and make a place for them and get recognised. Everyone wants success and happiness. So, it is always right to share positivity in whichever way possible!

Carly Fleischmann is one such amazing woman, who was diagnosed with autism and an oral motor condition that prevented her from speaking. Autism, we know is a developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. An autistic person needs a lot of attention and guidance. Similarly, Carly had a lot of trouble during her childhood, everyone tried helping her. At the age of eleven Carly was allowed to use the computer where she typed out:HELP HELP. She was given electroconvulsive therapy. After years of communication and behavioural therapy, she made progress. Today, she has turned into a much more confident and a beautiful person.


She has a YouTube channel of her own which goes by the name “Speechless with Carly Fleischmann”. The videos are remarkable and uplifting. The startling story encourages so many people and she has become the voice for autism. She has also published a book with her father Arthur, called Carly's Voice. And she hopes that one day she becomes the world's first autistic and non-verbal talk show host. Her story is very inspiring and helps us to acknowledge how tough yet beautiful life can be if one wants it to be!

She has a video in her channel which features Channing Tatum. The video shows how funny, adorable and confident she is in front of him. The video went viral. You can watch it too!

The video got a lot of response and people shared how positive the video is and how confident she seems in front of Channing Tatum! There are many other YouTubers who have shown a lot of support towards her channel. It is so heartwarming to watch her videos, and her story exactly shows how with the right guidance, love and effort one can go a long way.
We hope you like the post!Till then


Post by:
Arundhati and Mrittika

Image:Google images

Thursday 16 June 2016

The clock will start ticking soon!

Hey guys!
You all must be aware that the Indian television series '24' is back with season 2. Season 1 was a huge success. Anil Kapoor who plays the male lead in the show, had been featured in the American version of the same show. He bought the official rights to India. And this was the first time the show had been adapted from the American version. Season 1 aired from October to December 2013. This season revolved around the mission to save the country within just 24 hours. The genre was mostly political thrill. The concept was as appealing as the show.

The cast and their individual performances were praise worthy. The show hits every mark of excitement and precision from the very first minute. The show brings in a sense of thrill and heart gripping action sequences and crazy suspense with extremely well set locations and twists. The story was innovative with the "24 hour" deadline. But what sets the benchmark was the performance of the male lead Anil Kapoor who plays the anti terrorist unit agent, Jai Singh Rathod. The different roles he played throughout one single day were set apart from each other with sheer excellence. The role of the father, the role of the husband, the role of a loyal Indian citizen who has to save his country. They were all done with not only precision but with a sense of reality which kept us glued to this action packed series.

 It is considered to be one of the most expensive TV shows ever produced in India. The show also aired in Australia.
The subplots and individual stories of all the characters were shown beautifully. The cast had major names like Mandira Bedi, Anita Raj, Ajinkya Deo, Neil Bhoopalam, Tisca Chopra etc with Anupam Kher and Shabana Azmi having important roles.

The show ended with a heart touching climax, but now is back with season 2. The shooting started in February 2016, and will telecast on Colors TV soon. The new season will mark the return of the previous cast with a similar story line, Some renowned actors like Ashish Vidyarthi, Sikander Kher, Sakshi Tanwar have joined the cast and have prominent roles in the show. Season 2 promises to be more stylish and daunting.
Eagerly waiting for it to launch, lets just hope it doesn't disappoint. The first look of the new season has already been released. Watch it below.

Make sure you don't miss the first episode because each episode counts. Till then 

Images: Google images
Video: Youtube
Post by: Mrittika and Arundhati