Friday 5 August 2016

Carly Fleischmann: She inspires us all!

Hey guys!

The Internet and social media have taken over our lives in a huge manner. There are so many forms through which one can share their content with the world and make a place for them and get recognised. Everyone wants success and happiness. So, it is always right to share positivity in whichever way possible!

Carly Fleischmann is one such amazing woman, who was diagnosed with autism and an oral motor condition that prevented her from speaking. Autism, we know is a developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. An autistic person needs a lot of attention and guidance. Similarly, Carly had a lot of trouble during her childhood, everyone tried helping her. At the age of eleven Carly was allowed to use the computer where she typed out:HELP HELP. She was given electroconvulsive therapy. After years of communication and behavioural therapy, she made progress. Today, she has turned into a much more confident and a beautiful person.


She has a YouTube channel of her own which goes by the name “Speechless with Carly Fleischmann”. The videos are remarkable and uplifting. The startling story encourages so many people and she has become the voice for autism. She has also published a book with her father Arthur, called Carly's Voice. And she hopes that one day she becomes the world's first autistic and non-verbal talk show host. Her story is very inspiring and helps us to acknowledge how tough yet beautiful life can be if one wants it to be!

She has a video in her channel which features Channing Tatum. The video shows how funny, adorable and confident she is in front of him. The video went viral. You can watch it too!

The video got a lot of response and people shared how positive the video is and how confident she seems in front of Channing Tatum! There are many other YouTubers who have shown a lot of support towards her channel. It is so heartwarming to watch her videos, and her story exactly shows how with the right guidance, love and effort one can go a long way.
We hope you like the post!Till then


Post by:
Arundhati and Mrittika

Image:Google images

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